Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekly Learning - Textures

Day 1: Songs

- Sing the song, "If You're Happy and You Know it".

- Substitute lines that include touching things with different textures like, "Rub the carpet", "Touch the walls", or "Feel your hair", etc. . .

Day 2: Activity

- Paint with Veggies and Fruit!

- Cut different fruits or vegetables in half, dip them in paint and press them onto paper to see what kind of textures each fruit or veggie makes.

Day 3: Get Out

It is finally starting to cool off  a little bit here in Arizona! Which means walks to the park will become so much more pleasant!

Go on a walk or drive to a park and let your toddler FEEL what is all around them.

Day 4: Activity

-Get some crayons and various small objects from around the house such as a safety pin, coins, a paper clip, etc...

-Place the small objects on a table. Then place the piece of paper over the objects. Use your crayons to rub over the top of the paper to reveal the texture onto the paper. Hopefully that made sense. Here's a picture to hopefully help.

(Left: coins. Top: rubberband. Bottom: safety pin.
Right: the side of a textured vase)

Day 5: Library Day

Any touch and feel books - there are SO many! We have some called the "Touch and Feel Box Set" with books called Wild Animals, Cats & Kittens, At the Farm, and Dogs & Puppies.

We also like the DK Baby Touch and Feel books.

Just head over to the library and search for any kind of books with textures! Even pop up books would work (ex: All the Ways I Love You by Julie Downing)

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