Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday Treat Day - Cupcake Cones

Ok, we did this like a month ago and I'm just getting around to posting it! The weather in Arizona has finally been SO perfect the last couple of months... finally! So we've been spending a lot of time at the parks, going on walks, at the zoo, and just venturing out and exploring! 

That means I haven't spent as much time keeping up my blog. But we still have been working on stuff! I just have to get it all posted :) Someday that will happen... maybe if my kids will ever nap at the same time. :)

Anyway...... now for the cupcake cones recipe!

These were definitely fun to make but they didn't turn out exactly how I was imagining. I imagined a poofy mixture of cake rising up perfectly out of the cone, covered in frosting, actually resembling an ice cream cone, but with cake....

That was most definitely not the case. But it was still fun for my toddler to help decorate the the cupcake cones and she for sure loved eating them! I guess as long as they taste good, toddlers could care less what it looks like, right? Haha :)

Here is what you need:

Ice cream cones
Cake mix
Sprinkles and any other stuff to decorate

What you do:

- Prepare a cake mix according to directions on the package.

- Spoon cake batter into flat-bottom ice-cream cones until they are not quite full.

- Set the cones in a cake pan and bake according to the package directions for cupcakes.

- When the cupcake cones are cooled off, frost and decorate them and enjoy!

See what I mean??? In the pictures they look like super flat ice cream cones... maybe if you used a light, fluffy, whipped frosting it would look a little bit better. Who knows?!

But it was sure delicious! K got it all over her face, shirt, hands... everything. But it was fun and yummy. That's all that matters, right?  :)

Have fun!


  1. I love this blog! I'm getting some good ideas for things to do with Lily! You're such a fun mom. :)

    1. Thanks Ashley! I haven't updated this blog in forever! But I saw your comment last night and you inspired me to finally update it :) We've done tons of stuff over the past several months and I took pics and everything to blog about it. But as I'm sure you know, life is busy! And it's hard to find the time to write about the stuff you do... because you're too busy doing stuff! If that made any sense, haha! How have you been?! It's great to hear from ya!
