Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday Treat Day - Homemade Popsicles

As a little girl I remember my mom making homemade popsicles with us and I loved it! What little kid doesn't love popsicles?

Toddlers love helping make things! Especially the dumping-ingredients-into-a-bowl part.

So today, why not try making homemade popsicles with your little one? Smoothie style!

You really can use whatever you want to make homemade popsicles. You can even just use Koolaid. Or try making a yogurt popsicle? That might be fun. . . Use whatever you want!

But here is what you will need for homemade Banana-berry Smoothie popsicles.

What you'll need:

Popsicle containers
Triple berry blend 

(I buy the bags of frozen berries at Sam's Club. It's often cheaper buying frozen berries than fresh berries. Plus, frozen berries make great smoothies!)

What you do:

Really you can just do this on a how-you-like-it basis. 

So, add however many bananas and berries you want and just add milk until you get the consistency you want. Probably any consistency would work, really.

Again, have your toddler help do the work. They'll love it! 
Kimbri helped by putting the banana pieces into the blender (however I think she ate more than she actually put in. Haha!) 

Here's a picture showing about how much
milk I add to the banana-berry mix.
Now fill your popsicle containers on up and stick them in the freezer.

And now you'll have a tasty - and healthy! - treat for your toddler when they wake up from their afternoon nap. Yay!

I hope you have loads of fun doing this ;-)

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