Day 1: Songs
I love this song for practicing the animal sounds because it shows the animal and asks what sound that specific animal makes. If you pause the song after each question, you can stop between each animal and practice the sound that, that animal makes, moving as fast or slow as your toddler needs.
Animal Sounds Song
Another fun animal song is of course Old MacDonald Had a Farm! The version of that song I posted is kind of weird, in my opinion, but one of the reasons I like it is because it shows all the different types of the same animal. Because let's face it, not
all cows are black and white :) Here's the link:
Old McDonald
Day 2: Activity
My daughter loves to draw. Since sometimes I just like to keep things simple and easy, today's activity is drawing!
Get out some old blank sheets of paper and go for it! Get down on the floor with your cute little toddler and draw animals together. You don't have to be a professional artist to do this, my friends. Just have fun! Practice saying what the animal is called and what sound each animal makes as you draw it!
Day 3: Get Out
What kid doesn't just love going to the Zoo? Take a family trip or go with some other mommies. Make it a play date!
If you don't have a Zoo nearby, maybe there's an aquarium or animal museum you could visit. Or if you know someone that owns animals, ask if you can visit them.
A lot of parks even have ducks swimming in ponds or birds flying around. Wherever you go, just make your focus on the animals you see!
Day 4: Activity
Play the game, Charades, animal style.
Even if your toddler is too young to do it alone, letting loose and acting like a kid again is fun for you and fun for your kids :) Be silly with your toddler.
Go ahead, act like a monkey, walk like a penguin and turn into a horse and let your kids ride on your back. They'll love it!
Day 5: Library Day
You can make a trip to your local library to explore new books your toddler has never read or just select books from the ones you have at home to read, of course, focusing on animals.
Here are some of our favorite books/stories that involve animals:
Good Night, Gorilla
The 3 Little Pigs
Panda in the Park
1001 Things to Spot on the Farm
Zoo Babies
- The
Journey Through collection (This is a great collection! There are 5 books that focus on animals in different types settings: Farm, Forest, Ocean, Jungle, and Desert.)